Using just one of our reports can save you a lot of money each month. Using several of the reports could save you BIG money over a years time. You will learn where to get the best deals as well as learn some marketing techniques used by the pros. By using the tools in these reports you will always have people who want to hear about your opportunity.


In report 1 you will learn why you must have a unique web site name even if your MLM provides you a free web page. This can cost you as little as $3 a year but earn you thousands. Learn why. We send you to the cheapest URL (website name) providers on the internet. You do not have to know anything about web pages to make this work for you. You do not have to build a webpage. In report 1 you will also learn where you can get webpage building software, search engine placement software, search engine ranking software, photo editing software and more, absolutely free.


In report 2 you will learn where you can get business cards printed in full color absolutely free. That's right I said FREE.


In report 3 you will learn where to find unlimited long distance service for up to three phone lines for only $25 a month for all three. You can call anywhere in the US, talk as long as you want. You can even conference call with your up line or down line and a prospect as much as you want for only $25 a month. Put your home phone and your MLM business phone on for one low cost of $25 a month.


In report 4 you will learn where you can get 1-800 service for only 3.9 cents a minute. The number can be made to ring on any existing phone number and redirected at a moment's notice to any other number. Have it forwarded to your home, cell phone, work, an answering machine or voice mail service.


In report 5 you will learn what a sizzle call is and where to go for the ideas and complete information and a turn key package. You will also learn how to take those ideas and set up your own system for a lot less money. The sizzle call system can have your phone ringing every day with people interested in building a business. What do you do when you have joined the NFL (No Friends Left)? You have talked to all of your friends now what? Not good at starting a conversation with strangers? With this system strangers will be calling you to learn about your MLM opportunity! In report 5 you will also learn why most voice mail services are not sufficient for MLM needs. We will point you to one that will work for MLM distributors and has the best prices.


In report 6  you will learn where to get a steady stream of leads every day from people who filled out a survey saying that they were interested in building a home based business? You get their name, address, phone number, and e-mail address within minutes of their requesting information. We will show you where to get them. You do not have to do any work at all to produce those leads. They come to you by e-mail. Report 6 tells you all about this amazing system.



Bonus report # 7!


If you act now I will send you this additional report absolutely free. I will show you how you can help many of  your prospects find the money to buy your products even if they don't become a distributor. You could literally save them hundreds of dollars a month. This idea works especially well with MLM's that sell nutritional products. This idea alone saved me over $600 a month when I began using it. I take about $250 a dollars a month of my own MLM nutritional products. The net to me is a savings of $350 a month and my products are paid for. Do you think you prospects might listen to you if you could do that for them? Simply print this out and hand it to the people it will help. I personally us it all of the time. I have never seen this idea in any MLM book or tape that's why I am throwing it in for free when you get the free Important Business Building Information For Network Marketers reports. When the right persons says "I don't have the money" you can show them where to find the money. You must act now to get this hot idea.


Remember the reports I send you are absolutely free. You will learn everything above at no cost of any kind. We keep the information you give us in the strictest confidence. We do not sell, loan or give your information to anyone. We will update you from time to time about any new, better or cheaper tools for building your MLM business.





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